Academic staff (3)

Full Professor,
Director Laboratory of Virology
tel: +32 9 264 7373
For publications click on

Curriculum vitae

Tel: +32 9 264 7369
For publications click on

Post Doctoral Researchers (1)
Ph.D. Students (17)
Technicians (4)

joined the lab in 1998

joined the lab in 2004

joined the lab in 2006
joined the lab in 2021
Former members of the lab
Yueling Ouyang
eft the lab in 2023
Dayoung Oh
left the lab in 2023
Nick Vereecke
left the lab in 2023
Noémie Tybebo
left the lab in 2023
Wojciech Stadejek
left the lab in 2022
Dr. Anna Parys
left the lab in 2022
Dr. Elien Vandoorn
left the lab in 2022
Rhea Creve
left the lab in 2022
Veerle Stroobants
left the lab in 2022
Jonathan Vandenbogaerde
left the lab in 2021
Dr. Gaëtan De Gryse
left the lab in 2021
Dr. Sharon Chepkwony
left the lab in 2021
Dr. Jiexiong Xie
left the lab in 2021
Dr. Sebastiaan Theuns
left the lab in 2020
Dr. Tingting Cui
left the lab in 2020
Robin Haes
left the lab in 2019
Sarah Descamps
left the lab in 2019
Delphine Acar
left the lab in 2019
Dr. Katrien Poelaert
left the lab in 2019
Dr. Ruifang Wei
left the lab in 2019
Dr. Bo Yang
left the lab in 2019
Dr. Jolien Van Cleemput
left the lab in 2018
Elody Andres Guttierez
left the lab in 2018
Klaus Daniel Cortes Franco
left the lab in 2018
Marilou Vandenhole
left the lab in 2018
Dr. Abubakar Garba
left the lab in 2018
Ytse Noppe
left the lab in 2018
Wendy Baetens
left the lab in 2017
Eleni Van der Hallen
left the lab in 2017
Dr. Yewei Li
left the lab in 2017
Zeger Vandenabeele
left the lab in 2017
Lieve Sys
left the lab in 2017
Dr. Ivan Trus
left the lab in 2017
Dr. José Carlos Mancera Gracia
left the lab in 2017
Dr. Jing Zhao
left the lab in 2017
Dr. Lowiese Desmarets
left the lab in 2017
Dr. Haileleul NegussieDubale
left the lab in 2017
Dr. Thuong Van Khuong
left the lab in 2016
Dr. Inge Roukaerts
left the lab in 2016
Isaura Christiaens
left the lab in 2016
Dr.Vishwanatha Reddy Avalakuppa Papi Reddy
left the lab in 2016
Dr. Vo Van Tuan
left the lab in 2016
Dr. Kathlyn Laval
left the lab in 2016
Dr. Yu Qiu
left the lab in 2015
Dr. Wenfeng Li
left the lab in 2015
Dr. Ilias Frydas
left the lab in 2015
Dr. Sebastiaan Theuns
left the lab in 2015
Tim Van Gaever
left the lab in 2015
Dr. Xiaoyun Yang
left the lab in 2015
Dr. João Lima
left the lab in 2015
Dr. Wander Van Breedam
left the lab in 2015
Dr. Hossein Bannazadeh Baghi
left the lab in 2015
Dr. Karen van der Meulen
left the lab in 2014
Loes Geypen
left the lab in 2014
Dr. Annelike De Deurwaerder
left the lab in 2014
Dr. Dominique Olyslaegers
left the lab in 2014
Jolien Dejaeghere
left the lab in 2014
Dr. Lennert Steukers
left the lab in 2014
Dr. Karen Ooms
left the lab in 2013
Mieke Verbeeck
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Uladzimir Karniychuk
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Bauke De Maeyer
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Inge Hoebeke
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Jun Cao
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Sjouke Van Poucke
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Ben Vermeulen
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Sabrina Vairo
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Mathias Corteel
left the lab in 2013
Dr. Hanne Van Gorp
left the lab in 2013
Liping Huang
left the lab in 2012
Dries Helderweirt
left the lab in 2012
Dr. Dipongkor Saha
left the lab in 2012
Miet De Baere
left the lab in 2012
Dr. Zhongfang Wang
left the lab in 2012
Sabine Gleich
Left the lab in 2012
Dr. ir. Hannah Dewerchin
Left the lab in 2012
Tu Huynh Thi
Left the lab in 2011
Dr.Sarah Glorieux
Left the lab in 2012
Dr.Merijn Vanhee
Left the lab in 2011
Dr.Marc Geldhof
Left the lab in 2011
Dr.Annelies Vandekerckhove
Left the lab in 2011
Annick Gryspeerdt
Left the lab in 2011
Evelien Van Hamme
Left the lab in 2011
Dr.Iris Delrue
Left the lab in 2011
Leslie Bosseler
Left the lab in 2011
Dr.Sarah Costers
Left the lab in 2011
Dr.Gerlinde Van de Walle
Left the lab in 2010
Dr.Annebel De Vleeschauwer
Left the lab in 2010
Dr.Matthias Deruelle
Left the lab in 2010
Dr.Kalina Atanasova
Left the lab in 2010
Fernand De Backer
Left the lab in 2009
Geert Opsomer
Left the lab in 2009
Filip Barbé
Left the lab in 2009
Els Cornelissen
Left the lab in 2009
Constantinos Kyriakis
Left the lab in 2009
Debby Braeckmans
Left the lab in 2009
Fernand De Backer
Left the lab in
Ann Desplanques
Left the lab in 2008
David Lefebvre
Left the lab in 2008
Christiane Bracke
Left the lab in 2008
Barbara Garré
Left the lab in 2008
Ann Saen, DVM
Left the lab in 2007
Dr. Karen van der Meulen
Left the lab in 2007
Currently works at Devgen
Dr. Cesar Marcial Escobedo Bonilla
Left the lab in 2006
Currently works at Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Unidad Sonora, Mexico
Dr. ir. Kristin Geenen
Left the lab in 2006
Currently works at Ismar HistoGenex
Dr. Geert Van Minnebruggen
Left the lab in 2005
Currently works at VIB HQ
Dr. Peter Meerts
Left the lab in 2005
Currently works at Janssen Animal Health
Dr. Steven Van Gucht
Left the lab in 2005
Currently works at Institut Pasteur - Brussels
Dr. Geoffrey Labarque
Left the lab in 2004
Currently works at Fort Dodge
em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Maurice Pensaert
Retired in 2003, but is still involved in some research projects as scientific advisor
Dr. Nathalie Vanderheijden
Left the lab in 2003
Dr. Romeo E. Sanchez, Jr.
Left the lab in 2003
Dr. Saskia Van de Zande
Left the lab in 2001
Currently works at Intervet (Shering-Plough)